It's a just little matter of faqs

What is an Art Maker?

An Art Maker is someone who creates art and is able to create an artist profile and upload the art to our website. They are then able to engage with followers. and possibly get contacted to do some art for our members.  

What is an Art Lover?

An art lover is someone who can create a member profile on our site. They can follow and support up and coming artists by contacting them to do some art for them. 

How do I become a sponsor?

Businesses or individuals are able to become a sponsor by completing the registration on the Sponsors page. 

How do I fill in the member profile?

When filling out the form, please ensure that your profile name is different from your name. 

How to create an artist profile page?

When filling out the form, please select an avatar from approximately 12 images and a background image for your profile. This will be used when visitors or members access your profile. Once your profile has been created, please upload a short 50-word biography to tell people about yourself. You can upload art or literature depending on which one you selected when creating your profile. You can also pick your locations of interest and your contact information can also be added so that you can be contacted to create art. 

How to create an engaging profile image?

Be the best representation of you.

  • Your profile picture should be 720px wide and 960px high. You should ideally upload a .jpg. A .png is ok. No .pdfs. No. gifs.
  • Profiles photos should be professionally shot. You are an Artist, and as such you set a benchmark to the world. If you not not have a quality profile picture ready then we have a series of Avatars that you may use while you prepare your profile image. Please email us at admin@shremaya.org.au.
  • The most engaging photos will hint towards your personality and nature. If you are unsure, consider warm eye contact in an artistic or natural setting. Please take inspiration from the following examples

How to create an engaging banner image?

You banner image sits at the top of your Profile Page. You banner image is an area of visual expression and can be anything that helps define you.

  • Banner images are 1440px wide and 500px high.
  • NOTE: You may still upload any size image.  We will ensure your image covers the entire width of a screen and is centre aligned.

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